A Member Talks about Our Mission

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Editor’s note:
Our guest editor this week is Steve Keyes. In this post Steve talks about the importance of our church’s mission to let God love us and let God love others through us. He has a unique perspective. Read on and discover just how important it is for a church to have a mission statement and live up to it. In this blog you will discover that Steve has found the mission to be a vital part of Life at Northpark.
I felt my chair shake – more a vibration really. For the briefest of moments, the geologist in me kicked in. Earthquake? Felt like it, but Houston and southeastern Texas lack tectonic activity. Then the obvious came to mind. The cat. She was doing her thing, bumping my chair to get my attention, then winding around the
legs until I scratched her back.
My dog took a different approach. Lying in full view at my feet, she appeared to be sleeping. But just let me make the slightest move and those eyes would pop open to see if I was OK or if I was about to stand and walk away.
These animals – our pets – they show us so much love. Undeserved, unconditional love. Are they gods? Certainly not! We worship the Creator not the created.
But our pets DO reveal the love of God. They are like little mirrors, reflecting His agape character and reminding us daily that He wants to spend time with us. That He never grows tired of us. That He has charged us with the responsibility of caring for parts of His Creation and so has given us purpose.
Northpark Christian Church has been a similar blessing to me. I’ve never been part of a congregation so focused on outreach programs that help others. As such, our relationship to the world is in some ways like our pet’s relationship to us. By investing time, volunteer effort, and financial support in multiple mission fields, the church embodies the spirit of God’s love. It is the cat bumping the chair or the faithful dog demonstrating her unconditional devotion. Northpark reflects God’s love to those we share our time with.
And speaking from personal experience, the light of love we shine on those folks in need is recognized and appreciated. Their genuine smiles and sincere, heart-felt words of gratitude tell the story of just how much they need the love of our Savior. WE are the mirrors reflecting His love to a world in need. And I can’t help feeling
that when we help our fellow man, it makes God smile!
